Edge Of Courage*
To Discover To Inspire To Gain To Heal
Introducing an Amazing Kaleidoscope of Inspiring, Thought-Provoking, Proven and Healing Philosophies, Poems, and Concepts that Combine to Gain Your Trust and Champion You to Facilitate
Forging Depression, Anxiety and Fear
Hope, Confidence, and Calm.
*What's here is inspired by those have lived through it.
“Pray to God; however, row to shore.”
What’s here will support and champion your “rowing to shore.”
How much of the struggle creates empowerment? - David Sweet
Author's Healing Backstory
Consider Overcoming:
Panic attacks and paper bags
Valium and fuzzy-morning drugs
Nicotine addiction
Agoraphobia: and“don’t go too far”
Sleep apnea and adrenalin rushes
PTSD . . .
Was it a heart attack? Luckily, David Sweet was only a few blocks from the hospital. The nurse came close, looked him square in the eye, and said, “Mr. Sweet, you should take a few days off.”
“A fitting comment,” David says now, “topping years of battling stuff rattling around inside. I’d had little success hiding ‘it’ and had found no real, lasting solutions, whether spiritual, professional, or medical-wise.”
Soon thereafter, David began working with a Fortune 500 life coach practiced at “listening for guidance” (as David now does for his clients). This listening greatly facilitates the coaching process. “During each of my coaching sessions,” David says, “my needs were met even though they may not have been self-evident or spoken aloud. I trusted the process.”
For David, it’s been twenty-plus years of taking notes, rebooting, learning, practicing, rewiring, and rebooting again. “You don’t have to give up anything to have your joy,” David says. “You, too, can learn to manage your thoughts, and take command of the skills to create your own positive life experiences.”
Introducing Facilitating Self-discovery and Change and Instructions for My Choice; created out of David’s first-hand experiences. Powerful and dedicated to break-through successes, the magnitude of substance herein will support you to renewed mental strength and confidence. No matter what life throws at you, you’ll have the courage and freedom to re-energize yourself and celebrate the joy of feeling free.
Hope is here
You CAN Create the Life You Want
and You WILL Win!
❒ Stones Winds and Life
❒ Day Starters
❒ Heart of Resilience
❒ Reboot Your Life
❒ Consider Inquiring
❒ Being New
❒ Heart of listening
❒ Path to Gratitude
❒ My Choice: New goals now!
Hi David,
People often tell me,"I know this sounds crazy" or something to that effect, not only when they talk about their problems, but also when they tell me about that which is extraordinary. You're not a basket case captures that. If I'm not a basket case I can face problems, I can also embrace my light.
Thanks again!
Steve Franks
Licensed Marriage and
Family Therapist
YOU ARE Worth It
By David W Sweet
When it’s all over,
and all is said and done,
and you’re reflecting back;
take moments to thank yourself,
to tell yourself that you love yourself,
and to celebrate all that you are.
Now you know just how good
you can be and how good you are.
Claim all of it, who you really are,
for the rest of your life.
© 2021 David W Sweet
All rights reserved.
(10:10 pm, 12-1-21)
You CAN Prevail... Believe!
Igniting Hope
By David W Sweet
Hope Flickering? Power: Imagining and Feeling
Who hasn’t been there: fading hope? There's no back away, whether with
No energy left? Depressed? Fearful? baby steps or going all in. Want it. Feel it.
Feeling alone and lost; no one listens? Choose to go on against all odds. Claim it all.
Ready to give it up; pack it in? Wait. Fight to imagine the feelings of your coming
We’re all human and all here to learn. successes and breakthroughs. Live it inside.
Imagining and feeling are the powers to create.
Smoke Screens and Falsehoods
What will support fighting back against Claim Your Victories
the smoke screens fueled by false beliefs Claim any victory, regardless of how small
doing their best to obscure your hope, and how often. Baby steps. You will grow on
your heart, your will, and your chances? each noticing of a breakthrough, no matter
What falsehoods are trying to seduce how quick, fleeting, or subtle. Your real power
your soul to buy into “celebrating” and is being manifested; it will expand and bring
choosing to extinguish the final flicker of mastery to your efforts. "I claim empowerment."
your life’s flame? Tell the negative to go.
Call out those thoughts. Pick them off. In your darkest hour,*
“I’m no longer available for ______.” Can you light a candle
And watch the flame?
Truth and Heart
What would it take for you to fight back However small, it exists
against the weight of the mental fog However fleeting, it was.
that creeps in to obscure what’s real Will the flame light again?
and tries to suffocate your very soul?
Can you recall and feel what’s lost or laying For stepped-on souls
low just out of your “grasp” somewhere Burdened by untruths,
between truth and what’s in your heart? Old hurts burn at the base.
“I choose truth. I choose to see clearly.”
The middle is robust:
Test Your Willpower Spreading joy, laughter,
Searching and finding forgotten hope, And thanks for being.
reigniting inner peace, and recounting all your
past joys—one by one—requires raw courage The top flicker breathes:
and introspection. Can you call forth the grit Growing in the moment,
you may have forgotten or lost touch with, Dancing with the future.
through the clever workings of the theater
of the mind; i.e., distorted mental focus? Can you hug yourself?
Your efforts here, these tests of willpower, You are part of it all,
are the ultimate, raw summoning of a true And can light it anytime.
reflection into your heart, mind, and soul.
“Nothing can stop me from my inner peace.” You are powerful
that is who you are
Positive Hope Affirmations And you can... Ignite hope!
“No matter what, I choose hope.
No person, no event, no circumstance How Much of the Struggle
can keep my rekindled hope from me. Creates the Empowerment?
I’m expectant, assuming, allowing, and
I know that renewed hope will find me. ©2022 David W Sweet,
My heart is open, and I’m ready to All rights reserved.
recall all my past hopes, and joys . . . *Excerpt: "You Can" poem
Regardless of how small or fleeting any from Heart of Resilience
memory is, all my hopes and joys are mine
to reclaim—to reignite. I will prevail.”
The Sea . . .
“a cleansing of the soul”
By David W Sweet
The sea is quiet . . . between tides.
It’s a good time to visit.
The winds are still,
The smell of freshness will fill your lungs;
These are the times to lift your spirit.
The sea is willing and, for this purpose,
Will take your burdens
and diminish your heartaches.
It asks nothing.
You can easily feel its power
on days of high winds,
strong tides and crashing breakers,
but that is physical power . . .
a presence of overt and easily seen forces.
Visit the sea in its entirety,
accept all of its existence.
You’ll feel it deep in your being.
Strain with a cocked ear to better hear.
Once you’re quiet
you’ll meet it one on one.
Simply immense.
So huge that to cleanse you in spirit
leaves not a wake in its vastness.
Beyond the physical . . .
a clearing of mind and thoughts,
a cleansing of the soul.
Come closer and take advantage,
there’s no cost.
A lingering stillness.
If you reach out to the sea
there’ll be a matching of energies
when you arrive.
Pools and eddies to soothe remorse and grief.
Outgoing tides to explore and expand.
Waves and breakers to lift you
in awareness and thought.
Smells to stimulate
Anytime, to replenish.
Thank you.
© 2000-20 David W Sweet
All rights reserved.
from Stones Winds and Life
Edge of Courage
By David W Sweet
The edge of your courage is defined by you.
No one knows better who you believe you are at this time.
Choosing to grow; to have more of a sense
of who you really are, to be enlightened,
and wanting answers to questions deep inside . . .
That is the edge of courage.
To make the decision to call forth
change in your life, your thoughts,
and your consciousness . . .
That is the edge of courage.
To be willing to disregard old thoughts, habits,
and beliefs that no longer serve you . . .
That is the edge of courage.
Finding yourself in conflict with the old holding onto you;
tired thoughts and beliefs pulling at you
from places you never again want your mind to go,
and not giving up—continuing to stand firm
and wanting to know . . .
That is the edge of courage.
When change has yet to come
and youʼre feeling all alone inside
and wondering what caused you
to start this quest for yourself,
and you donʼt let go, and wonʼt back up;
clinging to the hope that you can . . .
That is the edge of courage.
When youʼre alone with your mind
feeling old thoughts, directions,
and inspirations crashing in,
dismantling, and mixing with the pain
of not knowing your future . . .
That is the edge of courage.
© 2012-18 David W Sweet
All rights reserved.
From Heart of Resilience
© 2023 by JOSIE DAY. Proudly created with Wix.com
2020-2021 All Rights Reserved. This publication contains the original work of the author, some of which may have been published by the author elsewhere. All work is protected under the copyright and no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without prior consent of the author.