To My Love
By David W Sweet
To the one I love:
whose eyes tell me truth,
whose heart wraps around me
on its generous way to others,
Key Moments
By David W Sweet
I had a locket for my soul,
And I misplaced the key.
Inside this small jewel
A precious part of me.
Always near my heart,
That I cherished so close
Vanished with no trace.
Emptiness gave a toast.
God’s Angel
By David W Sweet
Dark clouds surrounded
Beckoning me in.
A ray of sunlight appeared
Followed by others;
Her Time
By David W Sweet
Her glances warm me.
Stepping into time,
She’s gone to a whisper,
“You did her wrong.”
Clutching her pillow
Grasping the air . . .
Dancing with memories
Going to nowhere.
By David W Sweet
Is it the past
Catching up?
Is it Time
Bending unto itself?